Monday, June 21, 2010

Clinacanthus (Snake) Plant

Scientific name: Clinacanthus nutans, English name: Snake plant, Chinese name: 鰐嘴花, E zui hua, 扭序花, Niu xu hua, 竹節黃, Zhu jie huang, 小接骨, Xiao jie gu, 柔刺草, Rou ci cao, 青箭, Qing jian, 鵝嘴花, E zui hua, 憂遁草, You dun cao, 沙巴蛇草, Sha ba she cao and Malay/Local name: Kitajan, Gendis.

I used to chew snake plant leaves during my younger days to relieve heatiness and fevers but stopped taking them in the mid 1980s. I am one of those who get heatiness easily, so I take this drink Wong Lou Kat 王佬吉(a very bitter black herbal drink) with snake leave power added making it even more bitter. I tried to find a bit more scientific information about this plant especially on clinical trials in cancer and managed to find a clinical trial conducted in Thailand. Based on the Journal abstract, patients treated with the plant shows higher staisfaction as compared to conventional treatment. There are some other sites that shows that the snake plant extract does help to inhibit cancer. However, their efficacy is not immediate.

In any case, I am very confident of the Gerson Therapy (GT) despite not being able to follow it fully due to the unavailability of some supplements. Anyway, my GT is a modified version which I adhere to as close as possible and so far it is giving me good results. I do mix and complement with other therapies when possible. For example, I do put in a little papaya leave when I prepare my carrot+apple juice and in my early days of therapy, wheat grass as well. Depending on my healing reaction, I do modify my diet accordingly but all within what I learned in the GT.

The mouth ulcers is agitating me and disrupting my mood as it make me difficult to talk and eat. My Homeopathy doctor said if possible, to let it heal naturally. So it is something I will have to put up with. My complain is the usual lack of sleep but I feel great to be alive!


  1. Pls visit
    as to why greens / phyto herbs can
    cure many dis-eases.... including heatiness, mental depression, and sleeplessness.

  2. where can i can this Clinacanthus nutans plants?

  3. I have got some of this plants available, anyone who is interested, can contact me through my e-mail, lee_hok_hean at

  4. thank you so much for sharing. i need all the info I can get :)

  5. I just bought some clinacanthus nutans tea bags and palnt from a herbal plantation from Jelabu in Seremban.

  6. My email- ( Johnson )

  7. Can this plant cure H1N1 diseases?
