Thursday, March 31, 2011
What Causes Cancer? - Part 5
An expert, Dr. David G. Williams, has extensively researched this issue and considers the internal injestion of H2O2 to be perfectly safe. He notes:
"A single atom of oxygen, however, is very reactive and is referred to as a free radical. Over the past several years, we've continually read that these free radicals are responsible for all types of ailments and even premature aging. What many writers seem to forget, however, is that our bodies create and use free radicals to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
In fact, the cells responsible for fighting infection and foreign invaders in the body (your white blood cells) make H2O2 and use it to oxidize any offending culprits. The intense bubbling you see when H2O2 comes in contact with a bacteria-laden cut or wound is the oxygen being released and bacteria being destroyed. The ability of our cells to produce H2O2 is essential for life. H202 is not some undesirable by-product or toxin, but instead a basic requirement for good health."
This will be the last of the therapy that I will share under this series.
Peroxide Therapy
Due to its characteristics H2O2 Therapy is sometimes used as a treatment for cancer. The ACS (American Cancer Society) had stated that there is no question of doubt that hydrogen peroxide therapy is safe and effective treatment against cancer. It is suggested that this treatment should be taken under proper guidance of qualified doctors.
Hydrogen Peroxide, also known as H2O2 (its chemical formula), is a very simple compound. Here it has got an extra atom of oxygen attached, which is found throughout in the nature and in almost all the cells in the human body. H2O2 is naturally found in mother’s milk, especially in the first milk secreted right after the birth. It is known as colostrum with high concentration of H2O2 naturally in it.
Dr. Charles Farr revealed that intravenous H2O2 stimulates oxidative enzymes in the body, which help in clearing out of the toxins. He invented that intravenous H2O2 infusions almost doubled the metabolic rate. These changes may account in part for the observed benefits from H2O2 infusions.
Controlling cancer can be done by controlling the oxygen and/or controlling the things that free up oxygen (e.g. ionized water) and other ways. H2O2, or other oxygen therapies, are one of the most widely used cancer therapies world-wide because they provide oxygen to the cancer cells. They are safe and effective. H2O2 is also used for a host of other ailments, including AIDS and any other virus based illness.
Treatment Dosages
The doses of 35% H2O2 to be taken (three times a day) can be one drop, four drops, or ten drops. One author even recommends 25 drops, three times a day.
In converting 35% dosages to 3% dosages, multiply by 10 (not 11). For example:
1) One drop of 35% H2O2 becomes 10 drops of 3% H2O2,
2) Four drops of 35% H2O2 becomes 40 drops of 3% H2O2 (about half a Teaspoon),
3) Ten drops of 35% H2O2 becomes 100 drops of 3% H2O2 (a little more than one Teaspoon),
4) Twenty-Five drops of 35% H2O2 becomes 250 drops (a little less than 3 Teaspoons)
Do not forget to build-up to ALL doses by no more than 5 drops a day (using 3% H2O2 doses), but only 2 drops a day at the beginning. In emergencies, where time is critical you can try to increase the dose any way you can. If you start to have significant stomach problems (a small amount of nausea is to be expected), discontinue the treatment or build up more slowly.
For bath use at home, some individuals add a cup of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide [or 10 cups of 3%] to a bathtub of warm water and soak for 20 to 30 minutes as the hydrogen peroxide is absorbed through the skin.
WARNING: Hydrogen peroxide that is taken orally must ALWAYS be mixed with at least 4 ounces of distilled water, even AFTER it is diluted into 3% hydrogen peroxide - in order to protect the stomach.
H2O2 can chemically react with certain other substances. This chemical reaction creates a very toxic substance which can severely damage the stomach.
To avoid this chemical reaction, there is a "Three Hour Window" every time you take H2O2, where you should not consume certain substances. This "three hour window" does not apply to H2O2 baths because it only applies to what goes on inside the stomach.
For two hours BEFORE taking hydrogen peroxide orally (with water) and for one hour AFTER taking H2O2, the foods in this section should be avoided!! This is a "three hour window" where you should not take these substances!!
1) All forms of vitamin C should be avoided. This especially applies to ascorbate forms, but all forms eventually turn into ascorbates, thus no form of Vitamin C should be used inside the "three hour window." This includes avoiding multi-vitamins which contain vitamin C, ascorbic acid, mineral ascorbates (e.g. sodium ascorbate, potassium carbonate, etc.).
2) Fatty acids, such as the Budwig Diet, fish oils, fatty foods, etc. should also be avoided during the "three hour window." In other words, all forms of fat in foods are forbidden within the window.
3) Any food with iron in it or any supplement with iron in it, is forbidden within the window.
It is advisable not to take any food during this three hour window.
1. ONLY use 35% hydrogen peroxide of "Food Grade" quality. Only [highly diluted] 35% Food Grade hydrogen peroxide is recommended for internal use. At this concentration [i.e. 35%], however, hydrogen peroxide is a very strong oxidizer and if not diluted, it can be extremely dangerous or even fatal. Any concentrations over 10% can cause neurological reactions and damage to the upper gastrointestinal tract. The 3% hydrogen peroxide (i.e. pharmaceutical grade) that you purchase at the local pharmacies are NOT suitable to be taken internally.
2. Avoid the Budwig Diet when using hydrogen peroxide!! When the fats in the Budwig Diet interact with the hydrogen peroxide it can cause severe stomach damage.
3. Remember, ZERO Vitamin C (even in multi-vitamins), ZERO iron supplements, ZERO fats, dilute H2O2 heavily with water and always take on an empty stomach.
4. This cancer protocol is very effective at getting rid of cancer cells, however, this protocol does not contain the super-nutrients which deal with reversing damage to the non-cancerous cells due to cancer (e.g. lactic acid), etc. Nor is this treatment very strong at rebuilding the immune system, which is necessary for long-term survival. This protocol should be treated as a supplemental protocol to the more complete protocols.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Live Mindfully
A friend Skyed me from Singapore this morning and said "The current sufferings in Japan really makes me see things differently.....we need to put things in perspective. Here we are arguing and complaining over petty stuff. I think we should treat ourselves better and also those around us."
I guess many people here still take things for granted. When bad things happens in the region, we are oblivious to it. I think we should take cognisance of the fact that even for tsunami and earthquake free countries like Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia, we are now experiencing such phenomena, albeit in a small scale.
Anyway, there is a Chinese saying, "only when the needle puncture your skin will you know of the pain". Let's live more mindfully and adopt a more caring attitude.
Pregnancy Test Update
This morning, I did my pregnancy test. I followed the instruction and tested it during the first urine of the day. The result was negative.
I am just wondering why would I, a stage 4 cancer patient be tested negative? The possible answers are of course all speculative. It could be that even for stage 4 the amount of HCG hormone is just too little to be detected by the pregnancy test kit. It could also be that I have recovered (highly unlikely) or my situation has recovered somewhat. Of course, nothing beats the Navarro HCG test which is highly accurate. Anyway, I will buy a different brand and test out a few days later.
Still, I hope you can help out. If you know of anybody that has cancer, it would be great if you can get the person to do the pregnancy test and post me the results. I hope to collate the results and post in this blog. The reason is that if the pregnancy test kit can really detect traces of cancer, especially if it can detect stage 1 and 2 cancer cases, many people will benefit from this experiment.
pH Test
Yesterday evening, I bought a pH paper test kit (US$15) to check my pH levels. I should have done this on day one when I got cancer because I think it would be a good indicator of my internal progress if I knew what my body pH levels are. I took the pH test around 9.30pm and reading was between 7 and 8. I was surprised by the result as I though I was still very acidic.
This morning, I took another reading again and this time my pH reading was 6, acidic. I am not surprised with the deterioration in the result because during the night when you are sleeping, toxic bodies tend to become more acidic. In the day, I take my juices to replenish the system and hence, the readings should improve.
Anyway, I think this simple pH test kit is helpful in monitoring my pH level and will also give an indication to my progress of my therapy. I am quite happy with my pH reading and hope when it will improve when I incorporate some additional therapy.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
What Causes Cancer? - Part 4
Nearly all those with cancer have high acidity. There are two main reasons for a high acidic body environment.
The first and most significant is prolonged stress. This causes a depletion of adrenaline in the body’s cells. It is the job of adrenaline to remove / utilize glucose (sugar) from the body’s cells for energy for the body. Depleted adrenaline results in a build up of glucose (sugar) in the body’s cells, and restricts oxygen to cells, causing a break in the krebs cycle of the cell and cell mutation. Pathogenic (harmful) microbes (virus, bacteria, fungus) inhabit cancer cells and feed on this glucose causing fermentation. The body becomes acidic (low pH) due to the waste by-products of these pathogenic microbes fermentating glucose in cancer cells and also fermentation of stress hormones.
The second is poor nutrition / diet. Every food has a pH value from very acidic to very alkaline. Raw fruits and vegetables are very alkaline, while poor foods, beer, soda, coffee, etc are very acidic. This is why those who eat certain types of foods are more or less at risk of certain types of cancers.
Dextrorotatory Lactic Acid
This therapy is based on Dr. Waltraut Fryda's experiences which has been successfully administered to cancer patients and restoring full health to many of her patients. Dr. Fryda is a medical doctor by training.
A cancer patient always suffers from over-acidification of the tissues. In order to deprive the tumour of a favourable environment, the tissue-pH value must be changed from acid to alkaline. This is easier said than done because all alkaline-forming nutrition loses its intended effect soon after entering the bloodstream, as it is used up in the blood for buffering, before it can reach the tissue. The organism (body) always endeavours via appropriate regulating mechanisms to maintain the blood-pH value at around 7.4, which is absolutely essential for the stability of hormones, in particular adrenaline.
Over-acidification of tissue is prevented in a healthy organism (body) by the dextrorotatory lactic acid that is constantly produced by movement and suitable nutrition. This may seem like a contradiction in that tissue is to be de-acidified by administering an acid.
Acidification of the blood by means of dextrorotatory lactic acid lowers the blood-pH value until it and the tissue-pH value reach the same level. This takes precisely five weeks in cancer patients who are administered an appropriate dose of dextrorotatory lactic acid (thirty drops, three times daily). During the period from the first until approximately the fourth day in week 6, the acid substances will be discharged from the tissue into the blood, the pH value of which drops for a short time to very low values. The excretion of the pathological substances of the tissue via blood, liver, kidneys, and skin during this period is apparent from an entirely pungent and acid smell. Feeling generally unwell, the patient is irritable, aggressive, and depressed at the same time. At the height of this “changeover reaction”, usually lasting for three days, the pH value of tissue and blood reach the same level.
The continued supply of dextrorotatory lactic acid finally ensures an unproblematic and physiological restitution and maintenance of a blood-pH value of 7.4 and a tissue –pH value above that figure. This will remove a critical precondition for continued growth of a tumour in a cancer patient, namely the acid environment. Kidneys and liver are now capable of carrying out their full detoxification functions, thereby, laying the foundations for a safe removal of subsequently occurring disintegration products of a malignant tumour.
Finally, dextrorotatory lactic acid also causes the biological neutralization of the toxic, levorotatory lactic acid of the tumour into a non-toxic, racemic form. This is of utmost importance, as it removes the stimulus for an increase in the cell division rate. Normalising the acid-alkali balance also stimulates adrenaline production and improves its effectiveness, an equally important precondition for a healthy (aerobic) metabolism.
Self-administering dextrorotatory lactic acid is very easy. Simply take 30 drops (1/2 a teaspoon) orally 3 times daily, on an empty stomach. There are no known side effects, however always consult your doctor for advice. A 100ml bottle of will cost around $29, which will last for 2 weeks. It is recommended that you remain on this therapy for 3 months, then follow with 1/2 teaspoon daily for maintenance for rest of life or with the Budwig Diet that also contains dextrorotatory lactic acid in the whey of the cottage cheese.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Cancer is not a problem. Cancer is a solution
I have been reading a lot of other therapies that I can complement with the Gerson therapy. Censium chloride is a good choice if done under supervision because the inflammation can be very painful. Anyway, I have spoken to the consultant in USA and after discussing my condition with him, he made some recommendation to put me on three supplements (including censium chloride). The other two supplements are to help ease the pain arising from the inflammation. The cost of the therapy is not that expensive, about US$320 per month, about the same price that I paid for my local TCM therapy. However, the cost of shipping the supplements to Singapore (they can't ship to Malaysia) is more than US$200 by courier! He said, I have to be on the therapy for about 1 year.
Well, I have not decided on what additional therapy I am going to take at this moment because there are still one or two more supplements I am researching.
Today, I want to share a story with you.
Cancer is not a problem. Cancer is a solution.
That is the provocative and hopeful vision of Lothar Hirneise. He suspects that in the course of our evolution our bodies created tumours in order to survive. Lothar Hirneise is not a doctor. But he does have a pioneering – and well-founded – vision on cancer. Hirneise is a man of research and solid proof; a man who took an unusual path in becoming an influential, albeit controversial, cancer specialist in Germany. A tumour is the body’s solution to a problem. A tumour forms because someone is no longer producing adrenaline, which is needed to break down sugar. An excess of sugar is dangerous, so the body produces tumours. He always tells people the tumour is not your problem. A tumour is an incredibly ingenious solution on the part of the body.
Ten years ago Hirneise was a master in Eastern combat sports and a Kung Fu teacher. He also owned a successful sporting goods store. Then a good friend was diagnosed with cancer. I went in search of information and came across Lynne McTaggart, the founder of the English magazine What Doctor’s Don’t Tell You and author of the book of the same title. I attended a conference she organised in London on alternative cancer treatments. Every time I was onto yet another potential cure, I hopped in an airplane and went there – Mexico, Russia, China, the Bahamas, the United States, all over Europe… where haven’t I been?’ Hirneise said ‘Most doctors are good professionals, who truly want to help their patients. But… they’re working in a bad system. Hirneise recently wrote on a book on the subject with the provocative title: ‘Chemo heilt Krebs und die Erde ist eine Scheibe’ (English: chemotherapy cures cancer and the earth is flat).
Perhaps Lothar Hirneise’s most important message is that each person must find his or her own path to healing. A doctor can help in this process. But so can a friend. Everyone can make their own critical assessment of whether a particular treatment would truly be good for them. Individuality is Hirneise’s inspiration. Make a deal with your tumour. I’ve noticed that a lot of survivors do this. They start a dialogue with the tumour: "Dear tumour, this is a lose/lose situation. If you get bigger, I’ll have to die and so will you. Let’s turn this around into a win/win situation. You get smaller – you don’t have to die, but shrink to normal proportions – which will mean I can live. In return I’ll…". I tell patients, you have to be very careful what you promise, because the tumour will only keep to its end of the bargain if you do too. If you can’t stick to it, make a new deal.
Three Steps to Good Health
Detoxification starts with cleaning the intestines, for example by using enemas (bowel cleanses). It is also important to have any dead teeth pulled. The root canals of dead teeth are full of bacteria that attack the liver and lymph system. In addition, the (levorotatory or left-rotating) lactic acid, which is produced by the cancer cells, must be removed from the body. Due to a lack of oxygen in cancer cells, sugar is not entirely broken down and is converted into lactic acid. The lactic acid travels to the liver, the liver reconverts it to sugar and sugar feeds the cancer cells. Hirneise: ‘This is a vicious cycle. If I ask oncologists how they approach the lactic acid problem some say, what lactic acid problem? They don’t consider it important. But not only will it kill you, it causes a lot of pain, comparable to when you do intensive sports – the lactic acid build-up in your muscles.’
Excess lactic acid can be removed by taking a daily half-hour bath in water heated to 37°C, to which 100 grams of baking soda have been added. The baking soda increases the water’s pH-value, which pulls the acid from the body. Hirneise: ‘It is cheap, fast and 100% effective. When the lactic acid has been removed, you’ll need less morphine or none at all. Every day I talk to people who have been helped this way. They used painkillers for years. Now they sit for a half-hour in the bathtub.’ You also need to add dextrorotatory (right-rotating) lactic acid to your system by eating soft curd cheese, certain types of yoghurt or sauerkraut, for example.
Healthy food is based on living products. It’s not about the calories but about life force. Fresh vegetables and fruits contain light and light is life force.
Thinking positive and a fighting attitude are essential. But so is visualisation. Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine stimulate people to see themselves healthy in the future. Hirneise: ‘Imagine, you have a tumour in your knee. Visualise yourself skiing in three months. See it as if you were sitting in a movie theatre, watching on a big screen. This creates a suction force towards health. Everyone who survived terminal stage cancer visualised this – even those who considered it a lot of rubbish. When I talk to them, they tell me they prayed, for example. I ask them what prayer is to them. They say: "I told God that if he helped me, I would do this or that." They saw themselves doing something beautiful in the future. They saw themselves in the future, completely healthy.’
Hirneise’s conclusion is clear: every successful cancer treatment includes the following three ingredients: thorough detoxification, a change of diet and mental or spiritual work.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Yet Another Cancer Diet
I feel quite good in the mornings but as the day progresses, I begin to enter into an uncomfortable state. I feel like something is pressing on my chest and I also feel like vomiting. It becomes more pronounced after dinner. At times, I also feel a bit cold even at room temperature, especially after a warm bath at about 5.30pm. I hope this is just the left over of my recent episode. I spent most of my time lazing around the house.
Another Cancer Diet
Two days ago, an anonymous reader recommend me a link and it points to yet another cancer diet. But this cancer diet is very simple. It work for Kelley Eidem who is also the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer.
What is interesting in this diet, unlike the Gerson Therapy which covers so many areas, this cancer diet has only ONE diet to follow. Kelley cured himself in two weeks following the diet. He described his advanced stage 4 cancer treatment as costing less than two tickets and popcorn at the movies!


Here's a real brief recipe list here.
(1) Grate one habaneros pepper each day, putting it on bread. Ginger (spread is 1/2 inch tick) is a great alternative. Better still add a capsule or two of 100,000 HU cayenne.
(2) Grate two cloves of garlic each day, putting them on Ezekiel spouted bread or any other sprouted bread. Alternative is to use the best organic bread.
(3) 1-2 Tablespoons of Emulsified cod liver oil each day.
(4) Smother the grated garlic and habaneros peppers with real butter and eat it. No margarines of any type, including Smart Balance, etc. You can substitute butter with yogurt.
He used the cod liver oil because he was not losing any weight or dealing with fluid retention. If he had either of those conditions, I would have used evening primrose oil or borage oil instead of the emulsified cod liver oil.*
That's it!
Note *: The best way to determine which oil a person could use can be determined easily if there is pain. In fact there are two ways. One way would be to drink a cup of black coffee with two boiled eggs. (boiled only.) If that made you feel worse, you'd take 1 or 2 tablespoons of emulsified cod liver oil. If the coffee and eggs made you feel better, you'd take 6,000 mgs of borage oil or evening primrose oil.
For more information about your blood type diet, click here.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Combining Gerson + Budwig Therapy
I am not sure about that but I do know both the Gerson therapy and Budwig diet uses flax seed oil and quark or cottage cheese as part of their protocol. I have checked a few forums and found that a number of cancer patients do combine Gerson+Budwig together as part of their cancer therapy and reported very good progress. One patient even continued to work for long hours while on still the therapy!
Pregnancy Test Anyone?
An anonymous reader posted a comment on yesterday's post and also gave a few links about cancers. The first link I check out was quite good and it gave me an idea about cancer tests. Do you know, you can use the pregnancy test kit to test for cancer? This is because both pregnant women and cancer patients produces a hormone called HCGH (human chorionic gonaditrophin hormone). So if you test yourself with the pregnancy kit test and find yourself positive (if your are a male or female and not pregnant), then it could indicate presence of cancer and should go for a full checkup. Of course the down side is that a pregnant women can easily reach the threshold, but a person with cancer doesn't necessarily produce enough of the hormone to register on the test kit.
Still, the test is easily done, non invasive and cheap. It can be done regularly and is a form of early detection that could save you. Unconventional but who cares! Just to confirm it, I will buy one and test myself.
Friday, March 25, 2011
A New Supplementary Diet
I have been reading about the Budwig protocol for a while and I will introduce cottage cheese + flax seed oil as part of my diet. The Budwig Diet restores the electrical charge in cells. Dr Budwig used Organic Flaxseed Oil combined with Organic Low Fat Cottage Cheese in preventing and curing Cancer and Chronic Diseases.
Since I cannot buy cottage cheese in Malaysia (can't seems to find a supplier), I thought I would make cottage cheese on my own. I have been putting off this project far too long.
The Budwig Protocol
Dr Budwig noted that “The formation of tumors usually happens as follows. In those body areas which normally host many growth processes, such as in the skin and membranes, the glandular organs, for example, the liver and pancreas or the glands in the stomach and intestinal tract---it is here that the growth processes are brought to a stand still. Because the dipolarity is missing, due to the lack of electron rich highly unsaturated fat, the course of growth is disturbed---the surface-active fats are not present; the substance becomes inactive before the maturing and shedding process of the cells ever takes place, which results in the formation of tumors.”
Dr Budwig discovered that when she combined Flaxseed oil, with its’ powerful healing nature of essential electron rich unsaturated fats, and cottage cheese, which is rich in sulfur protein, the chemical reaction produced makes the oil water soluble and easily absorbed into the cell membrane.
Only use Flax Oil from the refrigerated section of your health food store. Never use capsules, flakes or flax oil from the shelves. It must be refrigerated and check the expiration date to make sure it has not expired. Do not use High Lignan Flax Oil because the taste is not clean and you can not tell if it is rancid. They have left the husk from the processing of the seeds in the bottom of the bottle, leaving less product. You want good clean tasting oil and no flavoring added as some oils are doing.
The mixing ratio is two tablespoons of cottage cheese to one tablespoon of oil. Mix only the amount you are consuming at one time so it is mixed fresh each and every time. One example would be to mix (4) tablespoons of cottage cheese to (2) tablespoons of flax oil, consumed twice daily or more depending on the severity of the health condition, one is attempting to address. One should probably start slowly with the oil, maybe just once a day and work their way up letting the body adjust to the protocol. The oil and the cottage cheese must be thoroughly mixed at a low speed, using an Immersion Blender, blending until a creamy texture with no standing oil is achieved.
Making Cottage Cheese
I have adjusted the ingredients requirements.
• Big pan
• Spatula
• Milk of your choice (I use skim milk in the absence of fat free cow/goat milk)
• 1.9 Liters of lukewarm water
• 259gm of skim milk
• White vinegar/lemon Juice, 88.5 ml
• Cheesecloth or muslin cloth
• A heavy tray
• Stir briskly lukewarm water with skim milk.
• Pour the skim milk into the saucepan.
• Slowly heat the milk to 120°F (48.89°C). Use the thermometer to guide you. Do not boil.
• Remove from the heat and slowly pour in the vinegar. Stir slowly for 2 minutes.
• Let the mixture sit at room temperature for 30 minutes.
• Line a colander with a tea towel. Pour the mixture into the towel-lined colander. Allow the mixture to sit in the lined colander and drain for 10 minutes.
• Gather the corners of the tea towel together and rinse under cold water for at least 5 minutes. Knead gently, until the curd is fully cooled.
• Squeeze the curd as dry as possible. Put it into a mixing bowl and mix with salt (no salt for me). Break up the curds into bite-size bits as you mix.
• Stir in half and half or heavy cream (no sour cream for me). It is now ready to serve.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Cancer Tests
This test is also suitable for healthy people to determine if they have cancer or not (even if the cancer is in the early stages of forming). Hence, This is a preliminary test that healthy people could do.
How To Determine How Much Cancer You Have?
When you are on an alternative cancer treatment how do you know whether or not it is working?
Two ways are having a P.E.T. Scan or a CT Scan. However, these are very expensive and provide radiation you don't need in most cases. A P.E.T. scan is a good choice when you need to know exactly where the cancer is.
But if you don't need to know exactly where the cancer is, but you do need to know whether the alternative cancer treatment you are using is effective, the Navarro Urine Test is very helpful.
You use this test in the following way. When you begin an alternative cancer treatment protocol you take the Navarro Urine test. Every six to eight weeks thereafter (or whatever interval you use) you take another Navarro Urine Test.
If the Navarro score goes up (comparing a Navarro score to the next Navarro score six weeks later), then you have more cancer after the current test than you had at the time of the previous test. This likely means your alternative cancer treatment may not be working!!
On the other hand, if the Navarro score goes down (especially if it goes down by one point or more in the six weeks), then your treatment is likely doing its job. A score of 50 or above, means, statistically speaking, you likely have cancer. When the score is below 50, then statistically speaking, you likely do not have cancer.
The test is done in Phillipines and costs US$55 per test. However, there is a company selling test kits online. Once I get more information, I will post an update.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin(HCG) Cancer Test
Developed in the late 1950s, by the renowned oncologist, the late Dr. Manuel D. Navarro, the test detects the presence of cancer cells even before signs or symptoms develop. Dr. Navarro found HCG to be present in all types of cancers. The test is based on a theory proposed by Howard Beard and other researchers who contend that cancer is related to a misplaced trophoblastic cell that become malignant in a manner similar to pregnancy in that they both secrete HCG. As a consequence, a measure of the amount of HCG found in the blood or urine is also a measure of the degree of malignancy. The higher the number, the greater is the severity of cancer.
Preparation of HCG Sample
Materials Needed
1. Acetone - can be purchased from the Pharmacy or Hardware or Paint Store. Nail Polish Remover is NOT A SUBSTITUTION.
2. Alcohol - either Ethyl or Rubbing
3. Coffee Filter - White or Brown
4. Sandwich Plastic bag
5. Beaker or any glass container or glass jar
6. Glass Measuring Cup
7. Measuring spoon
Preparation Steps
1. From an early morning urine, take 50 ml(1.7 oz) and add 200 ml (7 oz) of acetone and 5 ml ( 1 teaspoon) of alcohol. Stir and mix well. * Note: 1 ml = 1 cc
2. Let it stand in the refrigerator or cool place for at least 6 hours until sediments are formed. Throw off about half of the urine-acetone mixture without losing any sediment. Shake the mixture and filter the remainder through a coffee filter making sure all the sediments are on the filter paper.
3. When filtration is over, air dry indoors the filter with its sediments.
4. When dry, fold, wrap it with a sandwich plastic bag.
5. Mail it using the First Class Mail to Navarro Medical Clinic.
Source: Navarro Medical Clinic
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Dark Clouds Lingering
When I retired to bed last night, my chess was still feeling uncomfortable. I also had some difficulty swallowing my saliva for I felt my throat was full. Slowly I drifted into sleep. When I woke up this morning, I was still coughing a little and there seems to be some remnants of some blood clots. If fact, I am still coughing with blood stained phlegm throughout the day. I am still feeling a little uncomfortable around my chest area and I also noticed a little pain as well.
Just before I posted today's post, I received a called from the sister-in-law of Joanne, a cancer patient that passed away earlier this year. She told me her younger brother has just been diagnosed with stage 3 nose cancer. He is 40 years old and will be starting his radiation therapy soon. Of course, I reserve my comments on his brother's radiotherapy treatment. She has asked me to meet her brother to introduce the Gerson diet to him. I suggested that the meeting be held after his brother complete his treatment. Just this three days, I have already heard two cancer cases from people I know. I guess some people only learn when they are sick. Wouldn't that be a little too late?
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
What Causes Cancer? - Part 3
In this part, I will share about an alternative treatment which is in existence for more than three decades. It is both strong and fast-acting.
Understanding Cancer
Cancer cells are known to be anaerobic, meaning they ferment oxygen rather than burn oxygen. When the level of oxygen that gets into a normal cell becomes too low, or the ATP molecule count gets too low, a normal cell will convert into becoming anaerobic.
A Nobel Prize was awarded for proving that cancer cells are anaerobic, meaning they do not burn glucose, but rather they ferment glucose in order to get their energy.
"Over seventy-five years ago Dr. Otto Warburg published a Nobel Prize winning paper describing the environment of the cancer cell. A normal cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take up oxygen to convert glucose into energy by oxidation. In the absence of oxygen the cell reverts to a primitive nutritional program to sustain itself, converting glucose, by fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers the cell pH (acid/alkaline balance) and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division… the cancer cells begin to multiply unchecked. The lactic acid simultaneously causes intense local pain and destroys cell enzymes. Therefore, cancer appears as a rapidly growing outer cell mass with a core of dead cells."
See: http://www.cancer-coverup.com/fighters/cesium-science.htm
In the absence of oxygen, glucose undergoes fermentation to create lactic acid. This causes the cell pH to drop from between 7.3 to 7.2 down to 7 and later to 6.5; in more advanced stages of cancer and in metastases the pH may drop to 6.0 and even 5.7.
Dr. Warburg stated:
"But nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause be. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention. That prevention of cancer will come there is no doubt, for man wishes to survive. But how long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in the cancer field. In the meantime, millions of men must die of cancer unnecessarily."
Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg in a meeting of Nobel Laureates, June 30, 1966.
See: http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/Loxygen3.htm
Introduction to pH Therapy (a.k.a. Cesium Chloride Protocol)
When it comes to treating advanced cancers, such as Stage IV cancers, fast growing cancers, cancers that have spread significantly, high fatality cancers, etc., the cesium chloride protocol is one of the most proven cancer treatments in existence. The only downside to this treatment is the potential for swelling and inflammation caused by the immune system attacking cancer cells which are in the process of dying.
Cesium chloride is known to kill cancer cells by accumulating inside the cancer cells. Cesium chloride is also known to kill microbes. Thus, when a cancer patient receives enough cesium chloride to easily kill the microbes inside the cancer cells, but not enough to kill the cell, a person would think that the cancer cells would revert to normal. Also, cesium chloride blocks the glucose from accumulating inside the cancer cell, thus the cesium itself (and potassium) may block the Krebs Cycle and ETC, thus lowering the ATP energy and killing the cells. In other words, the cesium chloride treatment may work by lowering the ATP energy, killing microbes, putting the microbes into hibernation (which is the smallest stage of the cancer microbe and in this state the cell is able to revert into a normal cell [but the microbe is still there] and/or killing the cancer cells themselves. No one really knows exactly why cesium chloride works, but the evidence is that as a minimum it puts microbes into hibernation
Censium chloride comes in powder and in liquid form. The liquid versions have smaller clusters of cesium atoms that get inside the cancer cell. Liquid ionic cesium chloride works by making cancer cells highly alkaline, typically 8.0 and above, thus making them so "sick" the immune system attacks and kills them. Cesium chloride not only kills cancer cells indirectly, it immediately stops the metastasis of the cancer; can start shrinking tumor masses within weeks; and almost always stops the pain of cancer within 24 to 48 hours, depending on what is causing the pain.
Cesium has been proven to get into cancer cells, when other nutrients cannot. The cesium:
1) Makes the cancer cells alkaline (Note: the BLOOD is NOT made alkaline, only the inside of the cancer cells),
2) Limits the intake of glucose into the cell (thus starving the cell and making the cell "sick" from lack of food),
3) Neutralizes the lactic acid (which is actually what causes the cell to multiply uncontrollably), and
4) Stops the fermentation process, which is a second affect of limiting the glucose.
Warning About Self Administration
This protocol is so potent that a person should not attempt this protocol without expert support from the vendor (the consultant selling the supplements).
It is recommended than one does not self administer this protocol because of the inflammation and swelling that may be caused by the medication. Under a qualified therapist, he knows how to adjust doses and add other products to keep the swelling and inflammation at safe levels.
The key to a successful cancer treatment using cesium chloride is two things:
1) Using the best brand of cesium chloride,
2) Working with the best of the experts, usually by telephone
I just check the recommended website selling cesium chloride and found that they do not ship to Malaysia but Singapore.
Testimonials And Researches
You can find some testimonials and other studies below.
- Excellent Article on Cesium Chloride Treatment
- Sartori References (2 of them)
- How Censium Chloride Works by David W. Gregg, Ph.D.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Beautiful Times
My first Traditional Medicine Class (TCM) was really fun. We had a class of about 25 students, people ranging in the mid 30s to the early 60s. The text books we used were translated from Chinese texts (one of the classic text, Huangdi Neijing (黄帝内经) completed in 111 CE, is now more than two thousand years old) and I must say the translation seems literally done. As a result, it can be a bit cryptic to read the text, for example, "spirit = supreme dominator of life activities". Obviously the translators were also technically trained, so most of the words were just direct translations. One way to overcome this is to read in English but think in Chinese. It was also the first time I encountered so many medical terms in a single day such as epistaxis, hematochezia, pericardium, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and vertigo just to name a few. Luckily for us, there is an American gentleman in our class. He is, a medically trained doctor in his late 50s or early 60s. He would kindly explain some of the medical terms to the class. We will complete a text book in about 6 weeks (18 hours of classes) which means there are so much more reading to do on our own. But knowledge does not come free. As I learned about the organs of the body, I am also beginning to think what I can do more for my body. Anyway, I am enjoying myself.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
What Causes Cancer? - Part 2
In 1890 the distinguished pathologist William Russell (1852-1940) first reported "cancer parasites" in cancer tissue that was specially stained with carbol fuchsin, a red dye. The "parasite" was found inside and outside the cells. The smallest forms were barely visible microscopically; and the largest parasites were as large as red blood cells. Russell also found "parasites" in tuberculosis, syphilis and skin ulcers.
Dr. Robert O. Young, PhD has observed a cancer microbe literally drill through the cell wall of a healthy cell in order to try and escape a highly acidic environment outside the cell.
In fact, in the past 100 years many cancer researchers, from before Dr. Royal Rife to Dr. Robert O Young and Dr. Gaston Naessens, have known cancer was caused by a microbe which was inside of the cancer cell. In other words, a microbe was able to penetrate a normal cell and turn the normal cell into a cancer cell.
But how does this microbe turn the cell cancerous?
The Mitochondria
Inside each cell are mitochondria (pleural of mitochondrion). These mitochondria are where the energy of the cell is created in the form of a molecule called ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate). The chemical process by which ATP is made start with what is called "The Krebs Cycle" or the "Citric Acid Cycle." This cycle of chemical reactions leads to the creation of ATP.
But as a spin-off of the Krebs Cycle, the Electron Transport Chain (ETC), creates even more ATP molecules than the Krebs Cycle.
In a cancer cell, the Krebs Cycle is broken and hence the ETC is broken also resulting in the breakdown of the energy in the cell (i.e. the number of ATP molecules) drops dramatically.
When the Krebs Cycle is broken, the cell is generally able to fix the cycle, thus restoring the energy in the cell but not when the cell is a cancerous cell. Instead the broken Krebs Cycle and broken ETC are maintained.
The Chain of Events That Cause Cancer
1) Due to a weakened cell membrane, which can be caused by a carcinogen or many other things, a microbe is able to enter inside a normal cell (as Dr. Young stated, the microbe is pleomorphic and this can help the microbe get inside the cell which is still normal at this point),
(Note: the microbe(s) can also get inside a cell during the cell division of a cancer cell. For example, when a cancer cell, which already contains microbes, divides, there will likely be microbes in both cells which result from the cell division.)
2) The microbe, once inside, intercepts the glucose entering the cell (most microbes eat glucose),
3) The microbe excretes "mycotoxins," dangerous hormones and perhaps a thick slime (mycotoxins are the normal excretions of microbes),
4) Because mycotoxins are very, very acidic, the inside of the cell becomes highly acidic, which is a characteristic of cancer cells (in fact the longer a cell is cancerous, generally the more acidic it becomes),
5) The cell's mitochondria (which convert glucose into energy) get very little glucose because the microbe has intercepted most of the glucose,
6) What the cell's mitochondria does get is lots of mycotoxins and other harmful garbage, which it cannot convert into energy,
7) The mitochondria's energy level (ATP provides the key energy of a cell, but ATP is created by the Krebs Cycle and ETC) plummets because it is living in a sea of filth, meaning the ATP energy drops,
8) Signals are sent to the insulin receptors and glucose receptors on the cell membranes to grab more glucose,
9) More glucose enters the cell (about 15 times to 17 times more), but most of the glucose is intercepted by the microbe (which may be multiplying) and the mitochondria are bathing in an increasingly large sea of mycotoxins, dangerous hormones and possibly slime. Technically, the glucose is normally converted into pyruvate and it is the pyruvate that enters the mitochondria, but without glucose there is less pyruvate.
10) Because there is a limit to how high the activity of these two types of receptors can become there is no way for the mitochondria (and thus the ATP) to get enough glucose/pyruvate and energy,
11) The cell is now officially cancerous because its energy level drops (the ATP energy levels can be compared to the steps of a ladder) and it is defined to be anaerobic.
In this process, two things happen. First, because of the microbe(s) the break in the Krebs Cycle and ETC are broken as long as the microbe(s) are inside the cell.
Second, each sick cancer cell contains very healthy microbes living inside!! Because the microbe(s) are healthy, and the cell is sick, it makes it very difficult to kill the microbe without killing the cell.
Note: By the way, the microbes also excrete enzymes which help the cancer spread by breaking down the collagen outside the cells.
Thick Protein Coating of Cancer Cells
The microbe creates a thick protein coating on the outside of the cancer cells. No one knows how the microbe creates this coating (most likely the microbes excrete the enzymes themselves) but there are some things that are known about it.
Protein Coating may do the following things:
1) Intercept glucose, which is a known fact because cancer cells consume much more glucose than normal cells (by the way, vitamin C has a very similar molecular shape as glucose, and vitamin C kill microbes, which may explain why vitamin C is helpful against cancer),
2) Keep oxygen out of the cell (microbes hate oxygen, thus it is likely one of the purposes of the protein coating is to keep oxygen out of the cancer cells),
3) Blocks the immune system from recognizing the cells as being cancerous.
Understanding the thick protein coating is critical for treating cancer. It is well known in alternative medicine that proteolytic or pancreatic enzymes cut apart this protein coating. This is also one reason why some alternative therapies such as Gerson Therapy emphaize on low protein intake and patients goes on high pancreatic enzyme supplements.
Cutting apart these enzymes thus may help other treatments, such as hydrogen peroxide or MSM, work better. For example, any hydrogen peroxide, ozone, etc. cancer therapy may be aided greatly by the proteolytic enzymes because the proteolytic may help get more and more oxygen inside the cancer cells by cutting apart the enzymes.
To be continued.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Health Status @ 19 March 2011
Tumor mass of size of about 15cm on the right kidney and 21 and 20 nodes all over my left and right lungs respectively with one up to 3cm in size on both lungs. Confirmed that it has not spread to the liver. All other organs are also normal.
Latest scan on 26 November 2010 showed slight improvement in the kidney tumor (shrunk from 15cm to 11.4cm) but the nodes on the lungs were also a little larger. In the August 2010 scan, it was the other way around.
X-rays scan on 26 September 2010 over the scapula (the bone of the shoulder), pelvic and upper back areas shows no obvious bony metastasis.
Consulted four urologists (one in Singapore and three in Malaysia) and two oncologists (one in Malaysia and one in Singapore). Both oncologists suggested removal of right kidney. Singapore urologist also suggested removal of kidney. The three urologists do not recommend surgery or chemotherapy. The last urologist consulted said most of his patients died within six months of surgery while two on the expensive (RM20K per month) drug Sutent is not responding. All agree that is no cure for the moment.
My urologist said my cancer is at stage 4 and did not recommend me to take any treatment. It is also my own choice not to take conventional treatment after considering all the facts of the case.
Subsequently during the 1 year review on 2 September 2010, my oncologist in Singapore recommended that I consider:
a. Tumor debulk and
b. Sutent medication or
c. Interferon treatment
I have so far rejected the recommendation.
a. Gerson Therapy
a1. Coffee Enema
Following Gerson Clinic's recommendation of three enema daily and alternative day castor oil enema. Due to the strength of the coffee, my enema formula is 4oz coffee, 8oz camomile and 12oz of water.
a2. Nutrition Diet
All fruits and vegetables mentioned are organic.
i. Juicing - 11 fruit and vegetables juices a day beginning around 8am and ending 7pm. 1 orange, 5 apple+carrot, 3 carrot and 4 green vegetable juices every hourly.
2. Diet - No oil, no sugar and no salt on all cooking. For breakfast and supper, mainly oats with some raisins, sometimes a little Manuka honey is added. For lunch and dinner, vegetables such as Siew Pak Choy, Lettuce, lady's fingers, cauliflower, broccoli and spinach are mainly steamed or boiled. K-salt is added for flavoring. A teaspoon of flaxseed oil is added when serving (but not during cooking). Mainly boiled potatoes and sometimes Somali organic brown rice (once a week) is consumed. Hippocrates soup are also prepared every other day for daily consumption.
3. Supplements - K-salt, niacin, lugol solution, pancreatin, pepsin, Q10, Inflamezyme, Milk Tistle, Colostrum. Thyroid, Liver and B12 injections daily.
4. Others - Rye bread, papaya, guavas, oranges and bananas are consumed at regular intervals.
b. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Clinic: CA Care, Subang Jaya Center (http://www.cacare.com/)
Main Consultant: Dr Chris Teo
Treatment Started: 27 August 2010.
Medication: Capsule A+B, 4 capsules 3 time daily. Lungs, liver and kidney herbs to be taken once a day. C-tea to be taken throughout the day.
Reaction: Stomach a little uncomfortable after taking Capsule A and the herbs. Increase frequency in night urine.
Status: Suspended since 3 December 2009.
c. Conventional Medicine
Clinic: Self Administered
Treatment Started: 8 February 2011.
Medication: Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), 4.5mg a dose administered at 11pm nightly.
Reaction: A little difficulty falling asleep and fatigue during daytime.
d. Oxygen Therapy
Started using a personal oxygen generator with effect from 8 March 2010 about 1 hour in the evening, 20 minutes per session. Richer oxygen does help in controlling the growth of the tumors. It also reduces fatigue.
e. Herbal Therapies
I started taking Noni, Goji and Red Fruit Oil as part of my herbal therapy on a trial basis. Will observe the results in a month's time and then decide whether to continue of not.
Health Status
Have not weight myself for a while now but I believe my weight should be in the region of 63kgs.
I believe the LDN is having some positive effects on me thought the side effects of difficulty to fall asleep is still there. My back pain and shoulder pain seems to be minimal and I believe this development could be due to LDN. My tiredness has also been reduced.
Lately my coughing has bee a bit more pronounced and most morning, I noticed my phlegm are blood stained.
I have been having quite goods days and most of the time I spend on reading.
Having a good time.
Friday, March 18, 2011
What Causes Cancer?

A friend contacted me recently and said her mother was diagnosed with stage 4 gall bladder cancer. Apparently, their only hope now rests on alternative therapies and after much reading, she believe vitamin B17 is right for her mother. She wrote to me urging me to take B17 as well. I have written about B17 sometime back and when I was in Mexico, the Gerson clinic also administers B17 intravenously on some of the cancer patients. According to the resident doctor, B17 is not effective on all type of cancers such as kidney cancer. As such I was not given B17. Anyway, I thank her for her recommendation and wish her mother respond well to vitamin B17.
Causes Of Cancer
Recently, a friend sent me a link on the Theory of Cancer. I find the article by R. Webster Kehr of Independent Cancer Research Foundation rather interesting. So I though I would write something about it. The article is rather long with further sub links.
Some of the information in the article are not new, meaning the medical fraternity knew about it many many years ago but somehow did not get the prominence it deserved.
What if I tell you that cancer are cause by microbes? The microbe is highly pleomorphic, meaning it changes shapes and sizes frequently, depending mainly on the environment it is in!! According to Dr. Alan Cantwell who wrote the book Four Women Against Cancer, the microbe are found INSIDE the cancer cell. This turns out to be critical in some treatments of cancer, especially the treatments the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. is working on.
* The microscopy of micro-organisms associated with neoplasms (cancer) published in the August 1948 issue of The New York Microscopical Bullentin, Roy Allen presents illustrations of the cancer microbe ... The microbes live inside the cancer cells (intra-cellular) and outside the cancer cells (extra-cellular).
* According to Livingston and Addeo's 1984 book, "Dr. Rhoads [of Memorial Sloan-Kittering Cancer Center] was committed to chemotherapy, and well he might have been since he was head of chemical warfare during World War II. [Rhodes] tried to turn chemical warfare against the cancer cell within the human body. His big mistake was that he believed the cancer cell to be the causative agent of the disease and not the parasite within the cell. To unleash the horrors of chemical warfare and the atomic bomb in the form of chemotherapy and cobalt radiation against the hopeless victims of a microbial disease is illogical.
* More importantly, the Dillers showed that cancer germs were able to gain entrance not only into the [non-cancerous] cell (intra-cellular) [which turns the cell cancerous], but also into the nucleus of the cell. This intra-nuclear invasion meant that cancer microbes could gain access to the genes contained within the nucleus itself. This is similar to what [gene therapy does].
The above quotes explains why cancer cells frequently have DNA damage. The DNA of the cancer microbe interacts with the DNA inside the cells, just like it does in gene therapy. Orthodox medicine is well aware that the DNA of microbes can change the DNA of the cell itself because this concept is at the heart and soul of gene therapy!!
To be continued.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Life Goes On
I have been coughing a bit for the last few days. Somehow, I feel my chest and rib areas are congested and compressed, with a kind of slight pain emanating from the inside. This morning, my phlegm was 80% stained with blood, one of the worst I have seen to date. I am still having some falling asleep problems because of the low dose naltrexone (LDN) medication. Otherwise, I feel OK. I have also started to take Red Fruit oil today. The dosage is two tablespoons daily.
I have been keeping myself busy, besides with the research that I am doing, I am also doing some IT reading. I have just enrolled for a course called Foundations In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) conducted by the KL Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This is a one year course conducted in English on every Saturday evening. I understand they even have a Diploma in Acupuncture conducted entirely in French! The purpose of taking up this course is to give myself an opportunity to understand TCM a little bit better. If I do survive longer, I would want to continue to the higher level of TCM courses.
In addition to the above, I am now checking out Modified Citrus Pectin supplement and Cimetidine that are being sold in the local market with a view of including these in my therapy as a strategy of metastasis prevention.
Modified Citrus Pectin
Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) is essential in the treatment and prevention of breast cancer. Research over the last decade shows MCP directly attacks cancer cells, and prevents metastasis. Even greater anti-cancer results have been found with another important new study, conducted by researchers at the Cancer Research Laboratory at the Methodist Research Institute, IN, and Indiana University Cancer Center. They analyzed the synergistic effects of MCP and Dr. Eliaz's multi-nutrient breast care formula, with extremely positive results. The findings suggest that the combination of the two greatly enhanced suppression of breast cancer cells.
You can read more about Breast cancer prevention by Dr. Isaac Eliaz here.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Side Effects Of Cimetidine
Obviously, two years is a long time for cancer patients and many may not be even able to reach this milestone (count from day of diagnosis) especially for advance stage cancer patients. For stage 4 cancer patients, the window of survival is really short. Under such premise, I for one would be more than willing to think out of the box. Compared to the tumors spreading to say the bones or liver, the side effects of Cimetidine are bearable. Cimetidine still offer some hope and the side effects when compared to the pain from the cancer, which to me are miles apart.
Still, it's the patient's choice.
Effects of Long Term Use of Cimetidine
Researches conducted randomized controlled clinical trial on forty-two patients with endoscopically diagnosed duodenal ulcer in a double-blind trial after their ulcers had been healed with cimetidine. Cimetidine was effective in preventing relapse, only five of the 20 patients allocated to cimetidine 400 mg twice daily relapsing during the six months' treatment, compared with 16 of the 22 on placebo treatment (P less than 0.01). Cimetidine was safe in the dosage and duration used, no symptomatic, haematological, or biochemical abnormalities occurring during the trial. Subsequent follow-up at the end of the trial when treatment had been stopped showed that relapse was frequent, particularly in the cimetidine group, making the cumulative relapse rate eight months after completion of the trial similar in the two groups (75% in the cimetidine group, 86% in the placebo group). It seems likely that maintenance cimetidine treatment has to be continued indefinitely in patients with duodenal ulcer, and, until such treatment is shown to be safe and effective, surgical treatment remains a logical option for many patients.
In another randomized clinical study, sixty patients who had been referred for elective ulcer surgery, and in whom a remission had been induced, entered a prospective double blind controlled trial of a single daily dose of 400 mg of cimetidine given at bedtime, or placebo. Eighty per cent of patients receiving placebo suffered symptomatic relapse and recurrence of duodenal ulceration at endoscopy within 6 months. The mean interval to relapse was 10 weeks. On the other hand, only 27 percent of patients had a recurrence during the 6-month period on low dose cimetidine therapy. No significant toxic or other side effects which could be attributed to the drug were observed.
The above reports were published by UK PubMed Central.
Sde effects
Cimetidine is generally taken without ill effect. Its side effects include dizziness and mild somnolence (at doses of 800–1600 mg/day), a reversible state of confusion (especially in the elderly with preexisting renal or hepatic disease), gastrointestinal upset, gynecomastia (may occur if treatment period is greater than 1 month), reversible dose-related increase in serum transaminases, and dose-related elevations in plasma creatinine.
Adverse reactions can occur with any drug, even over-the-counter medications. Some of these are mild such as a stomach upset, which may be avoided by taking the medication with food. Minor reactions may go away on their own but, if they persist, contact the physician. For major reactions, the patient should contact the physician immediately.
For cimetidine, the following are the observed side effects:
* breast swelling or tenderness in men
* headache
* rash
* diarrhea
* achy joints
* dizziness
* muscular pain
* hair loss
* reduced sexual potency
* reduced sperm count
* hallucinations or mental confusion (more common in the elderly)
* unusual fatigue
* fever
* sore throat
* shortness of breath
* abnormal skin bruising
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Surgery-Induced Cancer Metastasis - Part 5
The purpose of posting these articles are of two fold:
1) Preventing Surgery Induced Metastasis
- A patient undergoing surgery, especially cancer patient must be aware of the risks involved in tumor removal. While the surgery can debulk much or most of the tumors to ease the burden on the body, at the same time, the surgery can cause the tumor to spread to other sites.
- Patients undergoing biopsy will also be exposed to the same risks.
- There are certain preoperative medication and supplements that a patient can take five days prior to the surgery to prevent surgery induced metastasis.
2) Preventing Metastasis In Cancer Patients
We now know that cancer does spread, namely a) from the primary site when the tumors reached a certain size, b) during surgery and c) during biopsy.
So whether a cancer person goes for surgery or not, it's a matter of time the cancer spread to other sites and when that happen, the patient is deemed to have reached stage 4. What these articles have shown is why must we wait to take medication and supplements just before operation to prevent the spreading? For stage 2 and 3 cancer patients, where the spreading has yet to occur, why don't these patients take those medication and supplement to prevent spreading while undergoing whatever treatments? More importantly for stage 4 cancer patients, why not also take the medication and supplement to prevent further spreading?
Like me, my tumors have already spread from my right kidney to my lungs. The natural progression is that it will continue to spread to the bones, liver and then the brain. So what I can do now is to start to take those medication and supplement to prevent further spreading.
Perhaps because I am not a doctor, my recommendation may seem bold but are based on research and clinical trials. It could prolong the cancer patient's life while in treatment and hopefully recovery and at the same time have a better quality of life. This is something for cancer patients to consider. You can read the full article here.
TABLE 1 - Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) Dosage
MCP Application | Use (take on an empty stomach) |
Active Cancer | 15 grams/day (5 grams three times a day) |
Biopsy | 15 grams/day (5 grams three times a day). Take one week before procedure and two weeks after. |
Heavy Metal Chelation | High body burden levels: 15 grams/day (5 grams three times a day). Lower body burden levels: 15 grams/day for 5 days a month, 5 grams/day the rest of the month |
What You Need to Know: Modified Citrus Pectin |
TABLE 2 - Cimetidine (commonly known as Tagamet®) Dosage
Application | Use (take on an empty stomach) |
Active Cancer | 800 mg of cimetidine daily (400 mg twice daily) |
Cimetidine: What You Need to Know |
Monday, March 14, 2011
Surgery-Induced Cancer Metastasis - Part 4
The conventional medical approach to surgical anesthesia has been the use of general anesthesia during surgery, followed by intravenous morphine after surgery for pain control. The use of morphine directly after surgery surpresses the immune function thereby by diminishing NK cell activity. One study found that morphine increased angiogenesis and stimulated the growth of breast cancer in mice and concluded: that clinical use of morphine could potentially be harmful in patients with angiogenesis-dependent cancers.
One novel approach to minimise the above problems is to combined with regional anesthesia, which refers to anesthesia that only affects a specific part of the body. The benefits achieved with this approach are two-fold: the use of regional anesthesia reduces the amount of general anesthesia required during surgery, as well as decreasing the amount of morphine needed after surgery for pain control. This elegant approach to surgical anesthesia and pain control has been validated in scientific mice studies. Regional anesthesia reduced 70% of the metastasis-promoting effects of surgery caused by general anesthesia alone.
Doctors at Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine compared NK cell activity in patients, NK cell activity was preserved at pre-operative levels in the group that received regional anesthesia. In a pioneering study, 50 women having breast cancer surgery using general anesthesia with regional anesthesia (the type of regional anesthesia used is called a paravertebral block, which involves the injection of a local anesthetic around the spinal nerves between the vertebral bones of the spine) after a follow-up period of nearly three years shows only 6% of patients experienced a recurrence, compared to 79 women who received general anesthesia during their breast cancer surgery followed by morphine for pain control showed a 24% risk of recurrance for this group. Stated differently, women who received regional and general anesthesia had a 75% decreased risk for metastatic cancer.
Surgeons at Duke University Medical Center compared regional anesthesia alone to general anesthesia in women having surgery for breast cancer noted while 39% of the general anesthesia group required medication for nausea and vomiting, only 20% of the regional anesthesia group needed this medication. Narcotic medication was needed for pain control after surgery in 98% of the general anesthesia group, compared to only 25% of the regional anesthesia group. And 96% of the women receiving regional anesthesia had returned home within a day after surgery, compared with 76% of the women who received general anesthesia.
The results of these studies have vast implications for those undergoing cancer surgery, as a group of researchers enthusiastically announced: As regional techniques [anesthesia]are easy to implement, inexpensive, and do not pose a threat greater than general anesthesia, it would be easy for anesthesiologists to implement them, thus reducing the risk of disease recurrence and metastasis. For those requiring morphine for pain control after surgery can consider asking their doctor for a medication called tramadol instead. In one experiment, tramadol blocked the formation of lung metastasis induced by surgery in rats. Tramadol also prevented the surgery-induced suppression of NK cell activity.
Less Invasive Surgery Reduces Risk of Metastasis
Surgery places an enormous physical stress upon the body. There is considerable scientific evidence supporting that surgeries that are less invasive and therefore less traumatic pose less risk of metastasis. Laparoscopic surgery is one type of minimally invasive surgery, in which operations in the abdomen, pelvis, and other regions are performed through small incisions.
A study published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet compared laparoscopic to open surgery to remove part of the colon (colectomy) in patients with colon cancer found that the group had a 61% decreased risk of cancer recurrence coupled with a 62% decreased risk of death from colon cancer as compared to the group receiving traditional open surgery. A long-term follow-up of these patients (median time 95 months) reported a 56% decreased risk of death from colon cancer for laparoscopic surgery as compared to traditional open surgery. Another comparison of laparoscopic surgery to open surgery for colon cancer reported a five-year survival rate of 64.1% for the laparoscopic group, and a five-year survival rate of 58.5% for the group receiving open surgery.
Minimally invasive surgery has produced substantial improvements in survival for those with lung cancer. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), a minimally invasive surgery, was compared to traditional open surgery for removing lung tumors (lobectomy). The five-year survival from lung cancer was 97% in the VATS group. This greatly contrasts the 79% five-year survival in the open surgery group.
Inflammation and Metastasis
Cancer surgery causes an increased production of inflammatory chemicals, such as interleukin-1 and interleukin-6. These chemicals are known to increase the activity of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). A highly potent inflammatory enzyme, COX-2 plays a pivotal role in promoting cancer growth and metastasis. COX-2 fuels cancer growth by stimulating the formation of new blood vessels feeding the tumor.
Experiments in mice revealed that colon cancer cells expressing high levels of COX-2 metastasized freely to the liver, while colon cancer cells expressing low levels of COX-2 did not metastasize to the liver. the journal Clinical Cancer Research in 2004. Two hundred eighty-eight individuals undergoing surgery for colon cancer had their tumors examined for the presence of COX-2. The findings were alarming when other factors were controlled for, the group whose cancers tested positive for the presence of COX-2 had a 311% greater risk of death compared to the group whose cancers did not express COX-2. A subsequent study in lung cancer patients found that those with high tumor levels of COX-2 had a median survival of only 15 months, whereas those with low tumor levels of COX-2 had a median survival of 40 months.
Researchers began investigating the anti-cancer effects of COX-2 inhibitor drugs such as Celebrex. Celebrex dramatically prolonged survival in lung cancer cases and also slowed cancer progression in men with recurrent prostate cancer.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen, are COX inhibitors. The widespread use of NSAIDs for pain and arthritis has created an ideal environment in which to examine if these drugs can prevent cancer. Large-scale studies have documented a substantial reduction in cancer risk with the use of NSAIDs. A comprehensive review of the scientific literature (91 published studies) reported that the long-term use of NSAIDs (primarily aspirin) produced risk reductions of 63% for colon cancer, 39% for breast cancer, 36% for lung cancer, 39% for prostate cancer, 73% for esophageal cancer, 62% for stomach cancer, and 47% for ovarian cancer. This review provides compelling evidence that regular intake of NSAIDs that block COX-2 protects against the development of many types of cancer, the authors concluded.
A number of nutritional and herbal supplements are known to inhibit COX-2. These include curcumin, resveratrol, vitamin E, soy isoflavones (genistein), green tea (EGCG), quercetin, fish oil, garlic, feverfew, and silymarin (milk thistle). Scientists at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York created an experimentally-induced increase in COX-2 activity in human breast cells, which was completely prevented by resveratrol. Resveratol blocked the production of COX-2 within the cell, as well as blocking COX-2 enzyme activity.
Acknowledgment: These series of articles are abridged from the article Preventing Surgery-Induced Cancer Metastasis by Steven Nemeroff, ND.
To be continued (Part 5 - Conclusion).
18 Months And Still Counting
It has been raining for the past two days, even in Cameron highlands. I am now back in town and today I received some SMSes from my friends informing me that the nuclear plant in Fukumi, Japan has exploded. The text further said that people in Asian countries should not get exposed to the rain for fear of getting skin disease and even cancer. It further require the recipient to forward the SMS to loves ones to warn them.
I thank all my friends for taking the time to sent out the SMSes but I think we should think deeper before sending such messages. If indeed the nuclear plant has exploded and the atmosphere has been contaminated by radiation, then that skin disease is just a small problem. What about the meat and vegetables we eat? What about the rice we import from other Asian countries. Frankly, we would all have no food to eat since the meat, vegetables and fruits will be contaminated as well. While I appreciate the alert that my friends are sending, but I think it is causing unnecessary public panic and possibly panic buying in supermarkets. In any case, radiation can last for a long period of time. We will run out of food sooner or later.
BBC reported that experts say a disaster on the scale of Chernobyl in the 1980s is highly unlikely because the reactors are built to a much higher standard and have much more rigorous safety measures.
So please refrain from sending such SMSes. It's doing more harm than good. How about donating some money to help out instead?
Thank you.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Surgery-Induced Cancer Metastasis - Part 3
The Immune System
Research has shown that natural killer( NK) cells can spontaneously recognize and kill a variety of cancer cells and NK cells are a type of white blood cell tasked with seeking out and destroying cancer cells.
Researchers have reported in a study, low levels of NK cell activity were associated with an increased risk of death from breast cancer. In fact, reduced NK cell activity was a better predictor of survival than the actual stage of the cancer. In another alarming study, individuals with reduced NK cell activity before surgery for colon cancer had a 350% increased risk of metastasis during the following 31 months!
The likelihood of surgery-induced metastasis requires the immune system to be highly active and vigilant in seeking out and destroying renegade cancer cells during the perioperative period (the time immediately before and after surgery). In a study, NK cell activity in women having surgery for breast cancer was reduced by over 50% on the first day after surgery might permit neoplasms [cancer] to enter the next stage of development and eventually form sizable metastases.
The surgical procedure itself reduces NK activity. This NK cell-impairing effect that occurs immediately after surgery increased the risk of metastasis. The perioperative period presents a window of opportunity to actively strengthen immune function by enhancing NK through numerous nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and medical interventions known to enhance NK cell activity.
One prominent natural supplement that can increase NK cell activity is PSK, (protein-bound polysaccharide K) a specially prepared extract from the mushroom Coriolus versicolor. PSK's ability to enhance NK cell activity helps to explain why it has been shown to dramatically improve survival in cancer patients. For example, 225 patients with lung cancer received radiation therapy with or without PSK (3 grams per day). For those with more advanced Stage 3 cancers, more than three times as many individuals taking PSK were alive after five years (26%), compared to those not taking PSK (8%). PSK more than doubled five-year survival in those individuals with less advanced Stage 1 or 2 disease (39% vs.17%). A group of colon cancer patients were randomized to receive chemotherapy alone or chemotherapy plus PSK, which was taken for two years. The group receiving PSK had an exceptional 10-year survival of 82% while those with only chemotherapy had a 10-year survival of only 51%.
Other nutraceuticals that have been documented to increase NK cell activity are garlic, glutamine, IP6 (inositol hexaphosphate), AHCC (active hexose correlated compound), and lactoferrin. One experiment in mice with breast cancer found that glutamine supplementation resulted in a 40% decrease in tumor growth paired with a 2.5-fold increase in NK cell ctivity. Pharmaceuticals used to increase NK cell activity include interferon-alpha and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. At least five days prior to surgery, it would appear logical to institute a NK cell-enhancing program involving nutrients like PSK, lactoferrin, glutamine, and others.
Heightening Immune Surveillance with Cancer Vaccines
An enlightened medical approach to cancer treatment involves the use of cancer vaccines. The concept is the same as using vaccines for infectious diseases, except that tumor vaccines target cancer cells instead of a virus. A distinguishing feature of tumor vaccines is that they are produced from a person's own cancer cells removed during surgery. This highly individualized cancer vaccine greatly amplifies the ability of the immune system to identify and target any residual cancer cells present in the body.
In a landmark study reported in 2003, 567 individuals with colon cancer were randomized to receive surgery alone, or surgery combined with vaccines derived from their own cancer cells. The median survival for the cancer vaccine group was over 7 years, compared to the median survival of 4.5 years for the group receiving surgery alone. The five-year survival was 66.5% in the cancer vaccine group, which dwarfed the 45.6% five-year survival for the group receiving surgery alone.
Cancer Surgery, Angiogenesis, and Metastasis
A clever strategy employed by cancer to thrive in the body is angiogenesis, a process by which new blood vessels are formed from pre-existing blood vessels. Formation of new blood vessels is a normal and necessary process for childhood growth and development, as well as for wound healing but unfortunately, cancers hijack this otherwise normal process in order to increase blood supply to the tumor and is an absolute requirement for successful metastasis since tumors cannot grow beyond the size of a pinhead (i.e., 1-2mm) without expanding their blood supply.
A surprising revelation is that the primary tumor produces anti-angiogenic factors which restrict the growth of metastases. However, the surgical removal of the primary cancer also results in the removal of these anti-angiogenic factors, and the growth of metastasis is no longer inhibited.
Loss of angiogenic inhibition by the primary tumor during surgery also causes another angiogenic predicament, levels of factors that increase angiogenesis also known as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are significantly elevated.
A group of scientists summarized this research quite well when they asserted that after surgery, the angiogenic balance of pro-antiangiogenic factors is shifted in favor of angiogenesis to facilitate wound healing. The levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are persistently elevated. This may not only benefit tumor recurrence and the formation of metastatic disease, but also result in activation of dormant micrometastases.
Various nutrients have been shown to inhibit VEGF. These include soy isoflavones(genistein), silibinin (a component of milk thistle), chrysin, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) from green tea, and curcumin.
In one experiment, EGCG the active constituent of green tea was administered to mice with stomach cancer. The results demonstrated that EGCG reduced the tumor mass by 60%, while also reducing the concentration of blood vessels feeding the tumor by 38%. Remarkably, EGCG decreased the expression of VEGF in cancer cells by an astounding 80%! In the evaluation of the research pertaining to curcumin anti-angiogenic effects, researchers at Emory University School of Medicine noted that Curcumin is a direct inhibitor of angiogenesis and also downregulates various proangiogenic proteins like vascular endothelial growth factor. The scientists remarked, Cell adhesion molecules are upregulated in active angiogenesis and curcumin can block this effect, adding further dimensions to curcumin antiangiogenic effect.
Five days prior to surgery, the patient may consider supplementing with standardized green tea extract, curcumin, soy genistein extract and other nutrients that suppress VEGF and thus may help protect against angiogenesis.
To be continued.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Surgery-Induced Cancer Metastasis - Part 2
Cell adhesion is a mechanism where cancer cells that have broken away from the primary tumor to boost their ability to form metastases in distant organs. These cancer cells must be able to clump together and form colonies that can expand and grow. Cancer cells use adhesion molecules—such as galectin-3—to which is present on the surface of cancer cells by allowing free-standing cancer cells to adhere to each other. Cancer cells circulating (CTC) in the bloodstream uses galectin-3 surface adhesion molecules to latch onto the lining of blood vessels is an essential step for the process of metastasis. A cancer cell that cannot adhere to the blood vessel wall will eventually meet white blood cells and get destoyed. If the CTC successfully bind to the blood vessel wall and burrow their way through the basement membrane, they will then utilize galectin-3 adhesion molecules to adhere to the organ to form a new metastatic cancer.
Combating Cancer Cell Adhesion
In one experiment that mimicked surgical conditions, scientists reported that the binding of cancer cells to the blood vessel walls was increased by 250%, compared to cancer cells not exposed to surgical conditions. Therefore, it is critically important for the person undergoing cancer surgery to take measures that can help to neutralize the surgery-induced increase in cancer cell adhesion.
A natural supplement called modified citrus pectin (MCP) can do just that. Citrus pectin—a type of dietary fiber—is not absorbed from the intestine. So the citrus pectin has been altered so that it can be absorbed into the blood and exert its anti-cancer effects. The MCP inhibits cancer cell adhesion by binding to galectin-3 adhesion molecules on the surface of cancer cells, thereby preventing cancer cells from sticking together and forming a cluster. An experiment showed that MCP blocked adhesion of galectin-3 to the lining of blood vessels by an astounding 95%. MCP also substantially decreased the adhesion of breast cancer cells to the blood vessel walls. In a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, lung metastasis was noted in 93% of the control group, whereas only 50% of the MCP group experienced lung metastasis. Even more noteworthy was the finding that the modified citrus pectin group had an 89% reduction in the size of the metastatic colonies, compared to the control group. In a similar experiment, mice injected with melanoma cancer cells that were fed modified citrus pectin experienced a greater than 90% reduction in lung metastasis compared to the control group. A prostate cancer study showed 22% of the men experienced a stabilization of their disease or improved quality of life; 12% had stable disease for more than 24 weeks.
Note: The prostate cancer study subjects already suffered from advanced disease. Patients should initiate MCP supplementation before surgical procedures to prevent metastatic colonies from being established.
A well-known over-the-counter medication, Cimetidine—commonly known as Tagamet®—is a drug historically used to alleviate heartburn. A growing body of scientific evidence has revealed that cimetidine also possesses potent anti-cancer activity. Cimetidine inhibits cancer cell adhesion by blocking the expression of an adhesive molecule—called E-selectin—on the surface of cells lining blood vessels. In a report published in the British Journal of Cancer in 2002, 64 colon cancer patients received chemotherapy with or without cimetidine (800 mg per day) for one year. The 10-year survival for the cimetidine group was almost 90%. This is in stark contrast to the control group, which had a 10-year survival of only 49.8%. Remarkably, for those patients with a more aggressive form of colon cancer, the 10-year survival was 85% in those treated with cimetidine compared to a dismal 23% in the control group. Another study with colorectal cancer patients showed cimetidine given for just seven days at the time of surgery increased three-year survival from 59% to 93%!
This data provides a compelling case for cancer patients, at least five days prior to surgery, to ingest at least 14 grams of modified citrus pectin and 800 mg of cimetidine daily. This combination regimen may be followed for a year or longer to reduce metastatic risk.
To be continued.