Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Trusting My Instinct

It's good to be back home after spending 2 days and 2 nights at the hospital. Originally, I planned to get admitted to KL General on Monday morning but on Sunday night as I was going up to my room to sleep, I felt shortness of breath. I was feeling half dead. I got uneasy as if something bad was going to happen to me and I spoke to my wife and mother about checking in to a hospital on that very night itself. Finally, after some discussion, I decided to go Tung Shun Hospital for better service and cut the waiting time for treatment. Upon arrival at the hospital at about 1.30am, I was wheeled into the observation room and the nurse amount other things took an immediate blood test. It was found out that my hemoglobin count was at a low of 6.3 and contacted the specialist doctor who immediately ordered 2 pints of blood for transfusion. The transfusion started at 5am and ended about 2pm later the day. Come to think back, my fatigue and unclear mind that I have been experiencing was due to the lack of blood. Last Saturday, I was crawling on my bed when my hands suddenly became powerless and I collapse on my bed faced down. A day after the blood transfusion, I felt like a new person, so much more energy, less tiring and the fatigue that has been haunting me seems to have gone! I have been monitoring my blood levels regularly but I did not expect such a drastic deterioration in July itself.

Anyway, there are some good, bad news and an important lesson that I learned from this episode. In my next post, I will give you more details. As for now, the nurse managed to draw out about 3 liters of water from my abdominal area. I am so relieved of the pressure from my abdominal area. Suddenly, I can eat without obstruction, no incidence of vomiting and no indigestion though constipation is still a problem. I am much more alive now but wait, there are still so many more things I need to do.


  1. Good to hear the news. Keep your spirits up :) Take care

  2. Do take care, glad to hear your feel better. Perhaps you can consider taking spirulina which helps in increasing blood platelets.

