Wednesday, November 9, 2011

All Set To Go

Yesterday night, I couldn't sleep at all. I was lying in bed just listening to some soft music. I think it was only by about 6am or so I began to fall asleep. As a result, I woke up at 11.30am. My mom was wondering what happened to me and sent my daughter to check on me. I was just tired and was lazing in bed while answering some emails and a phone call. Although I have been sleeping much better these days, I do, once in a while can't fall asleep. I have also noticed some changes in my abdominal area. Previously, I use to lie on the left side and sleep but these days I noticed that there is a slight pain on top of my right abdomen area when I do that. Instead, I would lie on my right side and sleep, bending my legs backwards. It can be a bit painful but after adjusting myself a bit, I was able to lie down without any discomforts or pain.

As for the HIFU treatment in China, almost everything is set. Now, I only need to arrange at my end here and then informed the hospital when I am arriving. I have planned it to happen sometime in mid December 2011 and come back in early January 2012. I will be spending about 1 month in China. I will probably spent a week at the hospital and three weeks at a nearby hotel for follow-up treatment. This will be my first step at incorporating conventional treatment with alternative therapy.

I have been walking much better now days. The pain on my legs are easing. I have been trying to walk longer and faster to see how my legs would react and what kind of pain it would generate. I would say walking at normal speed, the pain is minimal. I can now walk a little faster but it generates more pain. So the key is try to walk slowly and rest as much as possible in between walks. Let's see what the doctor has to say tomorrow.

A Poke At Some Local Politicians
I chanced upon this cranky Youtube video when I was looking for some Ricky Hui's stuff in remembrance of him. The background music was a recording of Samuel Hui's theme song (天才與白痴 - Genius and Retards) from their movie, The Last Message. Please follow the English subtitle of the Cantonese song and laugh your stress away. Therapeutic Man!


  1. That's great to hear, CT! All the best!


  2. Dear CT, keep doing what you believe in and dont let up,your courage and strength is exemplary.My humble best wishes and regards, keep writing and keep us inspired by your fighting spirit,you have contributed to many of us sick or otherwise by way of your strength.GOD BLESS,fr AL MAL.

  3. There is a saying...the best way to fall asleep when you can't sleep is to let go and stop trying too hard to sleep...

  4. When u can't sleep. Try meditate lo... Search from you tube on loving kindness meditation. The video will show u how to meditate, just need 10-15 minutes.
