Saturday, December 17, 2011

Smoothly It Went

The TAE procedure went smoothly. The procedure started at 9.30 am and I was out of the operating theatre at about  11 am. I was given instructions not to move my right leg for 12 hours and not to get up for 24 hours. Due to the period of immobility in bed, I am experiencing pain from the nerve around my butt area. I cannot walk well. The doctor recommended that I stay on for one more day in the hospital. Otherwise, I am recovering well.


  1. Praying that you will have healing, peace and strength.


  2. Hi CT,

    I'll like to seek your help.. My mom has recently found a tumor in her right kidney too, spread to the adrenal gland and cover some part of her liver. Spots were also found on her lungs.. the urologist said removal of right kidney is not suitable and we will be seeing the oncologist on how to control the growth and spread.. Been looking at your blog, thanks for sharing.. it helps.. will like to have more information on the HIFU treatment you are doing.. can help me with the hospital and doctor's contact please.


  3. Chang,wishing you a speedy recovery from China, rgds, kokpiew

  4. Chang, why don't u try on line translation? kokpiew

  5. Dear CT,

    Good to hear that...Hope the pain will not bother your resting....


  6. CT , been follow up your posting and update .
    Feel glad to know the TAE procedure went smoothly .
    Will continue praying for you .
    Wish you have a good recovery and proceed with HIFU treatment .
    All the best to you .
    God bless .

  7. Hi CT,

    Glad to hear that your are progressing well ! Please continue to stay upbeat & positive !

    Best wishes,


  8. Dear CT keep a positive outlook like you always have and get some rest.God Bless regards AL MAL.
